Monday, December 8, 2008

Why the Federal Goverment should keep out

The subprime mortgage meltdown has been the perfect example of why the federal goverenment should never have this much power over our day to day private transactions. They should never have been given this type of power via the commerce clause and we must eventually do something to scale back the power of the federal goverment.

I just read this AP article...

Take a look at the levels of corruption and influence peddling that helped lead to this mess. It came from both parties. My problem is do you think there is anything average involved citizens can do to know about this or stop it? No. That is why we cannot give away so much power to a goverment we truly cannot control. They can ruin the industry, our jobs and our economy simply by a few taxpayer subsidized agencies like Freddie and Fannie throwing around some cash$. Read the part about the private banks licking their lips hoping that Freddie and Fannie would fail so that the government would stop competing with private companies...

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