Thursday, May 1, 2008

Republican Donate More to Charity than Democrats

Charity's Political Divide
Republicans give a bigger share of their incomes to charity, says a prominent economist Arthur C. Brooks. He finds that religious conservatives are far more charitable than secular liberals, and that those who support the idea that government should redistribute income are among the least likely to dig into their own wallets to help others.

Pro-Life Pessimism?

Last night I recieved my Voter's Guide from Oregon Right to Life. As a strong Pro-Life person I was a bit shocked to see the pessimism coming from ORTL. The rumors still abound that they endorse Pro-Choice Candidates for political expediency. If that is true- and I don't know if it is or not but am trying to find out -- then no wonder they are pessimistic.

The thing that surprised me the most is that their Political Director Lois Anderson wrote her piece with such shallow intellectual analysis. I am what I call and evangelical Catholic, so I can speak about Catholics without my friends getting upset. Lois claims that Catholic voters are "flocking back to the Democratic Party". Lois I beg to differ. If you know anything about the Catholic Church you know that we have a strong pro-life policy. We have very strong pro-marriage policy. We have very strong anti-suicide policy. We have very strong stance on adultry, sodomy and that they are sin. So Lois, I say to you that Catholic Voters are not leaving the Republican Party. Rather, Democratic voters are leaving the Catholic Church.